Calle La Cuesta sn
C.P. 37751 Gallegos de Solmirón
Salamanca (Spain)
E-mail: ventas@7bellotas.com
Tel. (+34) 656 8743 55

Registered at the Mercantile Register of Madrid under Volume 26.725 Folio: 1 Sección 8ª del L. de S. Sheet: M-481560 and with Corporate Tax ID no. ES-B85695617.

7 Bellotas guarantees users or their right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the personal details they have provided at any moment, under the terms contained in the applicable legislation. Consequently, in accordance with the provisions established in Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), users of the Website may exercise said rights by sending a written request, enclosing a copy of their National ID document, to any of the following addresses:

Details of the www.7bellotas.com website owner and manager:

Calle La Cuesta sn
C.P. 37751 Gallegos de Solmirón
Salamanca (Spain)
E-mail: ventas@7bellotas.com
Tel. (+34) 902 103 721

E-mail: customer.care@7bellotas.com