7B PREMIUM® Buy Iberian Ham Sliced Pata Negra Iberico Ham | 7Bellotas.com
  • 7B PREMIUM® Buy Iberian Ham Sliced Pata Negra Iberico Ham | 7Bellotas.com
  • 7B PREMIUM® Buy Iberian Ham Sliced Pata Negra Iberico Ham | 7Bellotas.com
  • 7B PREMIUM® Buy Iberian Ham Sliced Pata Negra Iberico Ham | 7Bellotas.com
  • Cured Iberian LOIN
  • Spanish Salami Iberico Bellota
  • CHORIZO iberico Bellota
  • acorn-fed iberian ham ( jamon iberico de bellota)
  • 7B PREMIUM® Buy Iberian Ham Sliced Pata Negra Iberico Ham | 7Bellotas.com

7B Premium® Iberico Ham 10 X Blister 80gr. + 3 X Bellota Sausages


Free Range Grain fed 50% Iberian ham & Cured Sausages

 dry cured Iberico ham hung for over 36 months in a 100% natural dryers.


Tax included


 Sliced 50% Iberian breed free range Pork Cured Ham

assortment gift with sliced 7B Premium ham vacuum pack into a 10 blíster gourmet & cured acorn-fed 100% iberian Sausages.

The order includes:

  • 10 X Blister 80gr.Iberico Pata Negra Ham
  • 1 X 500gr. LOMO ibérico de Bellota
  • 1 X 500gr. Chorizo de Bellota (cular)
  • 1 X 500gr. Salchichón de Bellota (cular)

Buy iberico ham pata negra

7B Premium® Iberian ham is distinguished among the others Cured hams for its unique taste.

sliced iberico ham

Iberian Pata Negra Ham Sliced Thin for Better Taste & Flavour

jamón ibérico de cebo

10 other products in the same category:

Reference: LOT026

7 BELLOTAS® Acorn-Fed 100% Ibérico Shoulder Ham + 3 X Iberian Sausage + Holder stand & knife

Acorn-Fed 100% Iberico shoulder ham & Dry Cured Pork Sausages 7 BELLOTAS® Pata Negra shoulder ham dry cured and hung for over 26 months in a natural dryers.

Reference: LOTE26

7 BELLOTAS® Shoulder Ham 100% Iberian Race + Jamotec JP + Zwilling Twin Pro

ACORN-FED 100% IBERIAN RACE CURED PORK SHOULDER HAM + Jamotec JP + Zwilling Twin Pro 7 BELLOTAS® shoulder ham is Made in a Small Scale to Seduce those with a Passion for Pata negra ham from Spain. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ INGREDIENTS: SHOULDER HAM AND SEA SALT

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7 BELLOTAS® Cured Sausages (3 X 500gr.)

Selection Charcuterie (Chorizo/Salami & Cured Loin) A traditional dry cured Acorn-Fed 100% iberico pork sausages

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7 BELLOTAS® Cured Ham 10 X 80gr. + 3 X Cured Bellota Sausages

Acorn-fed 100% iberico Pata Negra ham & Charcuterie 7 BELLOTAS® Pata Negra ham sliced and vacuum pack into a gourmet blísteRs plus charcuterie 7 BEllotas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ natural CURED: + 48 Months

Reference: LOT20

7B Premium® Iberico Shoulder Ham + 3 X Acorn-fed Iberian Sausage + + Ham holder & knife

Free Range Grain fed 50% Iberian Shoulder ham & Cured Sausages  dry cured Iberico Shoulder ham hung for over 20 months in a 100% natural dryers.
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