Cookies are small text files which is stored in your browser when you visit a website. They are tools that play an essential role in the provision of digital services. Among other things, they allow a website to store and recover information about the browsing habits of its users and their systems and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognise users and improve the service offered. Without cookies, many pages will not operate correctly and the services offered may be reduced.

Types of Cookies

The different types of cookies are detailed in this guide to the use of cookies from the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Depending on the organisation managing the domain from which the cookies are sent and processing the data obtained, two types can be distinguished: own cookies and third-party cookies.

Own cookies:

These are sent to the user’s device from a system or domain managed by the owner of the website and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third-party cookies:

These are sent to the user’s device from a system or domain that is not managed by the owner of the website but by another organisation that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Cookies may also be:

According to the time they remain stored on the computer: session cookies or long-term cookies. According to their purpose: technical cookies, customisation cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioural advertising cookies.

Cookies used in this site:
This website uses the following third-party cookies:

Cookies from Google Analytics, a website analysis service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of website browsing. In your browser you will be able to see four cookies from this service. Following the typology above, these are own cookies, session cookies and analysis cookies.

Acceptance of the Cookies Policy

We show information about the cookies policy on any page of the website every time a session is started. Having read this information Thank you for shopping at ( 7 Bellotas S. L. Company ). We have implemented every possible safeguard to ensure the security and privacy.